Awarded at the 1991 Oklahoma University Short Course for Professional Writers

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"Please keep writing those wonderful stories." L. M.
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"You have a wonderful style, and really make my poor boring ho-hum world a brighter place." R. M.
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"Keep writing those terrific books!" J. M.
Coming Home To Wed
May 2000, Harlequin Romance
"I want you to know I really enjoyed it." BP
"A lot of hilarity and just enough seriousness to make it a very enjoyable book." JK
"I am reading the 'Merits of Marriage' trilogy now and can't wait for 'Zack's' book to come out." HS
Honeymoon Hitch
April 2000, Harlequin Romance
"I loved it! I couldn't put it down--read it in one day!" MLN
"Thanks for the laughter and the tears." JT
"It's so well read that the binding is coming undone!" KP
The Billionaire Daddy
January 2000, Harlequin Romance
"I hooted when I read it." BS
"It was full of humor, romance and a hidden unconditional love to be realized with time." RW
"You have another good one with this book." LW
Bride On The Loose
September 1999, Harlequin Duets #10
"I must tell you, your book was one of the funniest books I have ever read." L. J.
"Renee, your book is hilarious. I laughed on the first page and probably on almost every page since." B. Mc.
"Great Story!!! I loved the Aunt and the Cats." B. S.
The One-Week Marriage
July 1999, Harlequin Romance
"I wanted that story to continue. I didn't want to put the book down." M.L.N.
"I've read it twice already!" M.C.
"It was totally enchanting." S.S.
Boardroom Bridegroom
June 1999, Harlequin 50th Anniversary Double Volume
Renee Roszel's contribution to Harlequin's 50th Anniversary Limited
Edition double volume with a novel by Debbie Macomber.
"While reading the story you can feel your heart breaking when Wendy found out the truth about her marriage, and at the end when she found true happiness you could not help but cry and feel happy for her." D.M.T.
"I liked your story line, how do you think of ideas like the bird to put in them? That really added to the story." K. M.
"...I was so hooked after the initial meeting of Joshua and Wendy that I just got lost in the story. Totally into it." S. K.
Gift-Wrapped Baby!
December 1998, Harlequin Love & Laughter
"I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know how much I enjoyed your book, Gift-Wrapped Baby. It was romantic, fantastic, funny, romantic, funny and romantic. It was wonderful. I couldn't put it down." L.S.
"Just finished reading Gift-Wrapped Baby and enjoyed the book. It is a cute, funny story." M. C.
"Loved Gift-Wrapped Baby." D. C.
Comments about The Enchanted Brides Trilogy
"I really loved this trilogy, and my only regret with the last book was that I no longer have these people to look forward to. I love the legend and the resolution that keeps the legend alive." K. M.
"All three romances were touching and heart warming. It would be hard to choose the one I like best..." M. C.
"What I like about each one is that each story reflects their own heroines personalities." D. T.
Her Mistletoe Husband (Trilogy book 3)
Harlequin Romance, November 1998
"I can't stop laughing!" L. L.
"Oh my God!!! What a great book. Let me tell you it was the perfect ending to a rather hectic day." S. K.
"Also read Her Mistletoe Husband and enjoyed the book very much. Loved Elissa and Alex." M. C.
"I got to read Her Mistletoe Husband--finally--and it was adorable." M. W.
Married By Mistake! (Trilogy book 2)
Harlequin Romance, January 1998
"I read your book Married By Mistake! I loved it." S. F.
"Your writing is incredible!" C. R.
"I read Married By Mistake! In about two hours. I couldn't put it down...Lucy's story made me laugh and cry. I havent read many books that can make me do that. Thanks for writing such a wonderful series of books." E. B.
"I read Married By Mistake! And found it thoroughly entertaining - I actually laughed out loud (which I do with many books that strike me as humorous, but rarely with romance novels)." J. J. B.
"I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your recent book Married By Mistake!...I cannot wait for the next book in your series." D. O.
To Marry A Stranger (Trilogy book 1)
Harlequin Romance, August 1997
"It's my favorite!" J. P.
"To Marry A Stranger and Married By Mistake were very funny..." M. T.
"I've never read a book that I've identified with as much as I did with To Marry A Stranger... I also really enjoyed Married by Mistake...Keep up the good work!" B. B.
"I recently read your book, To Marry A Stranger, and really enjoyed it... Your stories always keep me entertained. Thank you." F. C.
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